Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct is hosting a public information evening on Coronavirus Covid-19.
This is an opportunity for members of the public to hear from experts and ask questions about this rapidly developing situation.
Date: Monday 9 March
Time: 5.00 pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Manawa Foyer, 276 St Antigua Street, Christchurch
The following issues will be covered:
- Understanding the disease: What is the virus, its features, nature, and how does it infect and affect us?
- Protection: How we can protect ourselves, our families/whanau and community, and what can we tell our tamariki?
- Management: How prepared are we, what actions are being taken to prevent and control the virus, and management plans for an outbreak?
The evening will begin with a presentation followed by an expert panel discussion and question time, led by international infectious diseases expert Professor David Murdoch. The panel will feature:
- Professor David Murdoch, University of Otago, Christchurch, infectious disease expert
- Dr Sarah Metcalf, Canterbury DHB Consultant in Infectious Diseases
- Dr Ramon Pink, Canterbury DHB Medical Officer of Health
- Sarah Whitcombe-Dobbs, University of Canterbury, Child and Family Psychologist
- Dr Josh Freeman, Canterbury Health Laboratories, Clinical Director of Microbiology
- Dr Ben Hudson, University of Otago, Christchurch, Head of Department of General Practice, and Pegasus Health (Charitable) Ltd
Other important information
If you are unable to attend but have a question, please email your question and relevant panel member to admin@healthprecinct.org.nz and we will endevour to have it answered on the night.
The event will be recorded and available on our website for later viewing.
An article summarising the key points discussed will also be available on our website following the event.