
There is always plenty of interesting things happening at Te Papa Hauora and within our partner institutes. Find the latest news, activity and information here.

Te Papa Hauora partners celebrate a decade of mahi

FOUNDING PARTNERS CONTINUED COMMITMENT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE None of the success and positive outcomes Te Papa Hauora has brought to the community would be possible without the continued commitment of founding partners and their willingness to collaborate for the greater good. Here’s what Advisory Council members had to say about the precinct and why […]

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Te Papa Hauora celebrates its 10 year anniversary!

It’s 10.30am on a brisk Christchurch Autumn day and the ground floor of the Manawa building on Antigua Street is humming. Doctors, nurses, and students from a variety of health professions cluster at tables in the building’s café to meet or just catch up and enjoy a coffee. Next to the café is an open plan common […]

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We’re talking hauora research talks 2024 – The Future of Health

  This year’s we’re talking hauora Research Talks featured some of our finest researchers in Canterbury, discussing your health and the health of the community. Teamed up with Ōtautahi Learning Days this year, we brought you the “Future of Health”. Join us in viewing the excellent evening of engaging kōrero below. To view the whole evening […]

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Future Leaders Programme 2024

Congratulations to all the enthusiastic students who took part in our 2024 Future Leaders Programmes. We have just completed our annual week-long full-time programmes at Manawa involving over 20 final-year health students. Students came from a range of disciplines including medical, nursing, social work, clinical psychology, osteopathy, health sciences, physiotherapy, pathology research, and public health. […]

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Living well & ageing well research talks in Rangiora 2024

Te Papa Hauora together with the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation took ‘Living well & ageing well’ research talks back to the Rangiora community last week. Together with Dr Susannah Stevens, Dr Leigh O’Brien, and Professor Richard Porter, we explored the topics of movement, diet and the importance of sleep and how it affects your circadian […]

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March 2024 Metropol Article is out!

Read about Peter Townsend’s “Improving Community wellbeing” article, and why the term Community wellbeing is going to be common currency in 2024. Read more here […]

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Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Youth Advisory Council produces Endometriosis Resource

The Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury Youth Advisory Council (YAC) provides a youth voice to those in charge of health services in Canterbury. It advocates for people aged 12-24. Part of their role is producing health resources. They have partnered with us at Te Papa Hauora to produce a series of videos about endometriosis, with […]

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Living well & ageing well research talks in Lincoln

Te Papa Hauora together with the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation took ‘Living well & ageing well’ research talks out into the Lincoln community this week. Together with Dr Susannah Stevens, Dr Leigh O’Brien, and Professor Joe Boden, we explored the topics of movement, diet and the importance of social connections. We hope to do more […]

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Congratulations winners of the HRSC Emerging Researcher Awards

A HUGE congratulations to the winners from the Health Research Society of Canterbury Emerging Researcher Awards, another really successful event supported by Canterbury Medical Research Foundation!   Well done to our winners: First Prize Andy Kindon (UC): A geospatial analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture incidence Second Prize: Sam Gibbs (UOC): Genetic variation and its […]

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September 2023 Metropol Article: Challenges and Choices

Read our chair Peter Townsend’s latest Metropol article on health systems here in Aotearoa NZ compared to others internationally, and the importance of making Ōtautahi Christchurch a special place for our healthcare workers! […]

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Living well & ageing well research talks in Rangiora

Te Papa Hauora together with the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation took ‘Living well & ageing well’ research talks out into the Rangiora community this week. Together with Dr Tracy Melzer, Professor Julia Rucklidge, and Dr Kyla-Louise Horne, we explored in depth the topic of Brain Health. We hope to do more of these talks in […]

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HRSC Poster Evening 2023

What a great evening of research and posters, presented by Health Research Society of Canterbury, and sponsored by Canterbury Medical Research Foundation. Congratulations to Ashley Deane, Rebecca Lee & Jenny Hamilton, winners of the night!   […]

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Metropol Article 20th July is out!

Read about Peter Townsend’s “Staying well this winter” article, introducing the Minor Ailment Service (MAS) being provided around the motu during winter months through participating pharmacies. This is a pilot programme meant to support whānau whilst relieving stress upon the GP and health system. Read more here […]

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The Health Technology Centre Opens!

On June 1st, the Health Technology Centre at Te Matatiki Toi Ora the Arts Centre officially opened. This new co-working space will provide spaces for a cluster of health technology companies and the wider community to work, providing a unique and collaborative environment in this historic building. This space also is adjacent Te Papa Hauora […]

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Future Leaders Programme 2023

Congratulations to all the enthusiastic students who took part in our 2023 Future Leaders Programmes. We have just completed two, week-long full-time programmes at Manawa involving over 40 final-year health students. Students came from a range of disciplines including medical, nursing, speech and language pathology, social work, clinical and organisational psychology, osteopathy, health sciences, physiotherapy, […]

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We’re talking hauora Research Talks 2023

This year’s we’re talking hauora Research Talks featured some of our finest researchers in Canterbury, discussing your health and the health of the community. Teamed up with Ōtautahi Learning Days this year, and their theme  Kōtuituia – Weaving Curiosity ’23, we were able to provide the public with an outstanding night of engaging kōrero. To view […]

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Metropol article 30th March is out

Don’t miss this month’s Metropol Magazine with our TPH Chair Peter Townsend presenting on the strengths of our partnership with University of Otago Christchurch, University of Canterbury Ara Institute of Canterbury & Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitaha and celebrations occurring for them.   To read the article, click here  […]

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We’re talking health research talks 2022

This  year’s 2022 ‘we’re talking health’ research talks once again showcased health researchers from Canterbury and their work. Our theme this year was “your health, the health of your whānau” with a range of interesting talks across many areas of our communities. It was exciting and inspiring to learn about the mahi in Canterbury being […]

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The Future of Health Challenge 2022 Winners!

The 2022 Future of Health Challenge, held with the support Te Papa Hauora and Pegasus Health, saw students from UC, Ara, and Otago University collaborating to tackle some of the challenges facing us in Aotearoa as we reimagine how we “do healthcare”.   Teams had two days to develop innovative proposals focused on one of […]

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Healthcare Innovator Spotlight Series

Enjoy our Healthcare Innovator Spotlight Series, brought to you in partnership with Via Innovations and ChristchurchNZ. We are proud to showcase Canterbury’s Healthcare Innovators. This series highlights innovation and the people behind healthcare innovation in Canterbury. The 5 Innovators series is below: Gavin Harris – Anatomical Pathologist Canterbury Laboratories Pathologists such as Gavin Harris provide […]

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Canterbury Health Innovation Network Event: Our New Health System

It was great to see so many of you in-person and online at our Canterbury Health Innovation event last night. Thanks to Al Duncan and Webtools for hosting us. This event would not have been possible without your support. A massive thanks also to our speaker, Dr. Claire Braatvedt, who stepped in for Emily Mailes […]

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Future Leaders Programme 2022

Another excellent round of Future Leaders Programme, congratulations to our 2022 Graduates! Located at the CDHB Design Lab, students were able to explore multiple facets of health care and policies concerning the well-being of our communities, finishing up with presentations on the final day. Feedback from graduates included, “This should be a compulsory part of […]

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The Canterbury Health Innovation Network – Product to Market

The CHI team would like to Thank all those that registered and joined us on Tuesday for our virtual event “The Canterbury Health Innovation Network – Product to Market”. We will send an email with a link to the recordings of the presentations for those registered but were unable to join us on the evening, […]

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The Influencers – The Metropol

Welcome to 2022!!! We hope everyone has had a restful summer break, and have returned to the new year refreshed and ready. It has been a while since we have posted on the website and why not begin the year with Peter Townsend’s article in the latest Metropol’s The Influencers. […]

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Preparing our future nursing workforce

COVID has created challenges but also opportunities for the nursing profession. Canterbury’s education institutes are experiencing a surge in applications, and demand for nurses is high with quarantine, vaccination, contact tracing and community support roles pulling them away from traditional workplaces. All of Te Papa Hauora’s partners are involved in nursing education. Click HERE to […]

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This year’s 2021 ‘we’re talking health’ research talks once again showcased health researchers from Canterbury and their work. Our theme this year was ‘starting well, living well and ageing well, with a range of interesting talks from across the age spectrum. A special thank you to our speakers. It was enriching to hear about the […]

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University of Canterbury researchers join public health talks

Click here to enjoy this article featuring the UC speakers at Te Papa Hauora’s 2021 ‘We’re talking health’ Research Event – starting well, living well and ageing well. […]

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Message from the Chair

Hear about some of Te Papa Hauora’s latest activities from Peter Townsend, Chair of the Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council, in this month’s Metropol. […]

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Message from the Chair

Enjoy the latest message from Peter Townsend, Chair of the Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council – coming to you this time in the Metropol. […]

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Message from the Chair

It was a real pleasure to hold the Future Leaders Programme in mid May and see a different perspective of health issues through the eyes of students reaching the end of their formal training. We had 21 students from a range of health disciplines come together for the week, their closing task was to design […]

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Techweek2021 Techie Brekkie

Thanks to everyone who joined our recent Techweek2021 Techie Brekkie. Our guests were treated to a wonderful mihiwhakatau, karakia and waiata from Te Korowai Atawhai team members. A special thank you to event MC Peter Townsend from Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct and keynote speakers the Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall and New Zealand Health Innovation […]

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Future Leaders Programme 2021

Congratulations to the 21 enthusiastic final-year health students who took part in our Future Leaders Programme recently. The Programme was designed to encourage the students to think beyond their roles and explore their leadership potential. The course concluded with a full-day group challenge where students designed a South Island health system. IMPRESSIVE! We wish the […]

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Message from the Chair

Health and well being are very much centre stage at present. With the recent announcements on the Health and Systems Disability Review and ongoing developments with COVID 19, nationally and internationally, the public preoccupation with health-related issues is perfectly understandable. This underlines the import role Te Papa Hauora plays in coordinating activities relating to health […]

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Canterbury Health Innovation Network

We were thrilled to be involved in the re-ignition of the Canterbury Health Innovation Network first. Thanks to the New Zealand Clinical Research (formerly CCST) for hosting the first event for 2021. It was great to re-connect and hear a little about what’s happening in the Canterbury health tech sector. Visit the CHI website for more details […]

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The Influencers – Metropol magazine

Read Peter Townsend’s article in the latest Metropol’s The Influencers.  He talks about the need to improve the interface between education and the workplace. […]

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Message from the Chair

I hope most of you will get quality time over Easter to relax in what is a very busy and pressured health sector. To those of you providing health services over the Easter period, thanks for all you do, and for the commitment you make. At Te Papa Hauora we continue to build up our […]

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Message from the Chair

Leadership in Health. Te Papa Hauora is now in the lead up to the ‘Future Leaders’ Programme’ scheduled for May 17 to 21. This will involve Health Students who are advanced in their training being exposed to a wide range of health- related interesting topics with a variety of leading health professionals. It is focused […]

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The Influencers – Metropol Magazine

Read Peter Townsend’s article in the Metropol where he talks about Health at the forefront.…/docs/04_feb_issu_export/59 […]

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Message from the Chair

2021 is promising to be another challenging year in health. At Te Papa Hauora we are well prepared for that. We have planned a series of events that will increase the profile of health in our region, encourage research findings to be widely disseminated, and support health education at various levels in the system. We […]

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As 2020 draws to a close, We leave the year behind us. A year that put us to the test, But identified our finest. The Health Precinct carried on, Despite the Covid troubles, We continued to just get along, By working in our bubbles. Research was brought to the fore, As was collaboration, We promoted […]

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The Influencers – Metropol Magazine

Enjoy Peter Townsend’s article in the latest Metropol where he talks about two key players in Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct (TPH) receiving high recognition from their respective institutions. – Page 54…/docs/issu_export_17_dec_2020/54 […]

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Manawa Christmas Seminar 2020

A huge thank you to Stella Ward, and our amazingly talented group of presenters who shared a taste of their innovations at our Manawa Christmas event. It was a fun evening, where we all learnt about some of the technology that’s being developed within our partner institutes to improve health outcomes. A great evening! […]

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A huge congratulations to our very own TPH Council Member, Professor David Murdoch, who was recently awarded the Distinguished Research Medal – the highest honour of the University of Otago. Professor Murdoch, based in Christchurch, is a recognised world leader in the study, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, particularly respiratory infections. […]

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Congratulations to Professor Gail Gillon, a founding member of the Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council. Gail has received the University of Canterbury’s highest research honour for her internationally renowned work aimed at improving children’s learning and wellbeing, the UC 2020 Research Medal.…/helping-children-read… […]

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Thanks to everyone who attended the Health Research Society of Canterbury’s poster evening here at Manawa. Congratulations to Gretel and Sam who won the top prizes on the night. It was great to read about some of the excellent studies taking place here in Canterbury by local researchers. Here are the winner’s photos – Gretel […]

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Thank you to those who came and joined us at Manawa on Friday to link into the 2020 Interprofessional Education and Practice Showcase – held by AUT and Auckland University. It was a highly informative day, and great that we could be together. Thanks also to our local clinicians and researchers who presented virtually on […]

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Winners of the inaugural HealthTech Supernode Challenge – a national innovation challenge powered by ChristchurchNZ, Kiwinet, and Ryman Healthcare – were announced at the Awards Ceremony held at Manawa in the Health Precinct on 22 October. After an electrifying and inspiring series of pitches, Richard McCulloch from NextStep was crowned as the Best Startup Team […]

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Thank you to everyone who attended our research talks – held here at Manawa and online. It was a great evening, some very interesting facts learned and lots of laughs thanks to our singing haematology lecturer Sean! A special thank you to our speakers. It was enriching to hear about the exceptional research that is […]

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Recently the Canterbury Collaborative Simulation Interest Group together with Te Papa Hauora held a simulation evening at Manawa. The event showcased the latest innovation and practices in healthcare simulation in the Canterbury region. Guests enjoyed a range of presentations from health professionals across various institutions on how they collaborate together and use simulation for education, […]

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Professor David Murdoch, University of Otago, Christchurch Dean, and member of Te Papa Hauora’s Advisory Council, is on the Oxford University trial steering committee providing expert oversight on the vaccine development. Click here to read the article. […]

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COVID 19 – The Latest on the Virus, the Vaccine and the Ongoing Impacts on our Community’s Health and Well Being

Thank you to those who attended Te Papa Hauora’s free public information evening on COVID 19 Thursday 23 July.  If you missed it, please feel free to watch the recording here.  It was a great opportunity to hear from our four experts on the following topics: Vaccine development –  Professor David Murdoch, University of Otago Christchurch Dean & […]

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Te Papa Hauora – Healthy Future Series

Enjoy these excellent articles from our Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council Members and other key leaders in health delivery, research and education in Canterbury. These articles focus on how health services, education, and research will change, improve and what needs to be prioritised as a result of COVID-19. Please share with your colleagues, friends and […]

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Research team unlocks strategies driving neuron connections

Collaboration at work – Professor John Dalrymple-Alford of UC’s School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing joined University of Oregon and University of Auckland researchers on a study that used high-resolution imaging and 3-D computer modelling to understand neuron connections.…/2021-03-team-strategies… MEDICALXPRESS.COM Research team unlocks strategies driving neuron connections […]

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How do the Covid-19 saliva tests stack up? – Expert Reaction

The Science Media Centre asks experts from TPH’s partners, Otago University and University of Canterbury, to comment on Covid-19 saliva testing.…/how-do-the…/ […]

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CELEBRATING CANTERBURY: Te Papa Hauora Newsletters May 2020

The Canterbury health, education and research sectors have been front and centre during the COVID-19 crisis, and every part of our health system has worked hard to prepare for, and respond to this unprecedented situation. We have always known what extraordinary, dedicated people we have in Canterbury and how good we are at collaborating and […]

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Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct hosted a public information evening on Coronavirus Covid-19 Monday 9 March where more than 150 people got the chance to ask questions of a panel of Canterbury-based experts. Thank you to our panellists, particularly Professor David Murdoch, for participating in our public information evening on the rapidly developing Coronavirus Covid-19 […]

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Child and Family Psychologist Sarah Whitcombe-Dobbs spoke to RNZ’s Jesse Mulligan about how parents can manage their children’s anxiety or questions about COVID-19. Sarah is on the panel for Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct’s public event on Monday 9 March “The science behind the Coronavirus Covid-19 and what it means to you and your family”. […]

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On December 3rd Te Papa Hauora held its first Manawa Christmas event. This was a highly successful evening with networking drinks and nibbles followed by dynamic short presentations from researchers within Te Papa Hauora’s partner institutes. Click here for photos and more information. […]

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Well-know Cantabrian Peter Townsend has been appointed as the new Independent Chair of Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct’s Advisory Council. Media Release […]

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After five years leading the development of Canterbury’s Health Precinct Advisory Council (HPAC) its Independent Chair, Professor Ian Town is stepping down. Media release […]

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