Manawa Christmas

The evening started with a mihi given by Amber Clarke, Te Papa Hauora’s mana whenua representative. Peter Townsend, Chair of the Advisory Council welcomed attendees, introducing the Advisory Council members.

Gail Gillon, member of the Advisory Council and founding Director of the University of Canterbury’s Child Well Being Research Institute, opened the presentations with an introduction on the Government’s Child and Youth Well Being Strategy.

The five presentations showcased local research and work being undertaken here in Canterbury that support initiatives for the Government’s strategy. Speakers and topics below:

  1. Amber Clarke (Ngāi Tahu) – Ngāi Tahu Child Health Strategy
  2. Dr Lorna Davies (Ara Midwifery) – Transition to parenting
  3. Associate Professor Brigid McNeill (UC Child Well-being Institute) – Early learning success project
  4. Stephanie Moor (University of Otago, Christchurch) – Youth mental health
  5. Dr Clare Doocey (Canterbury District Health Board)- Better Health Outcomes for Children Across Te Waipounamu

It was a fun and informative evening. Thank you to everyone involved, particularly our presenters.