What is the scope of AI and its impact on health practice and research in Waitaha Canterbury?

Are there local opportunities to collaborate in AI and health?


Organised by representatives across the University of Otago Christchurch, University of Canterbury and Te Whatu Ora Waitaha, this free event is open to those interested in what is happening in the local AI and health space.

Topics covered will include AI in clinical practice, biomedical research, engineering and computer science.


Where: Manawa, 276 Antigua Street, 3rd Floor, Room 302

When: Wednesday 18 September, 3 – 5 pm

Who: Clinicians, researchers, data scientists, students, academics and professionals using, or interested in using AI in health

Format: Presentations followed by Q&A, light refreshments and networking


This is a great opportunity to meet others who are involved in AI in health, to share ideas and learn more about collaborating, what support, resources and expertise we have locally.


Interested in presenting? There are still some opportunities available to present. Speakers are encouraged to showcase the use of AI, health and future collaborative opportunities. Space will also be available for research poster displays.

Email Arthur Morley-Bunker arthur.morley-bunker@otago.ac.nz for more information on presenting (in-person or poster).

Interested in attending? Register today