The Influencers – The Metropol

Welcome to 2022!!! We hope everyone has had a restful summer break, and have returned to the new year refreshed and ready. It has been a while since we have posted on the website and why not begin the year with Peter Townsend’s article in the latest Metropol’s The Influencers. […]

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Preparing our future nursing workforce

COVID has created challenges but also opportunities for the nursing profession. Canterbury’s education institutes are experiencing a surge in applications, and demand for nurses is high with quarantine, vaccination, contact tracing and community support roles pulling them away from traditional workplaces. All of Te Papa Hauora’s partners are involved in nursing education. Click HERE to […]

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Te Papa Hauora Mid-Summer Seminar

Te Papa Hauora recently held its annual Mid-Summer Seminar. The theme was sustainability innovations happening within our local healthcare sector. A range of interesting and compelling presentations were given by TPH partners and others in our health system on efforts being made to implement innovations that are environmentally and financial sustainable. Please take some time […]

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Canterbury Healthcare Team Challenge

The 2021 Canterbury Healthcare Challenge presentation event took place last Wednesday and was a resounding success. Four multi-disciplinary teams made up of health professionals and health students from Canterbury DHB, Canterbury community and tertiary institutions, worked together to develop a management plan for a fictional patient with complex needs. The Te Papa Hauora sponsored challenge […]

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