Te Papa Hauora partners celebrate a decade of mahi

FOUNDING PARTNERS CONTINUED COMMITMENT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE None of the success and positive outcomes Te Papa Hauora has brought to the community would be possible without the continued commitment of founding partners and their willingness to collaborate for the greater good. Here’s what Advisory Council members had to say about the precinct and why […]

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Te Papa Hauora celebrates its 10 year anniversary!

It’s 10.30am on a brisk Christchurch Autumn day and the ground floor of the Manawa building on Antigua Street is humming. Doctors, nurses, and students from a variety of health professions cluster at tables in the building’s café to meet or just catch up and enjoy a coffee. Next to the café is an open plan common […]

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We’re talking hauora research talks 2024 – The Future of Health

  This year’s we’re talking hauora Research Talks featured some of our finest researchers in Canterbury, discussing your health and the health of the community. Teamed up with Ōtautahi Learning Days this year, we brought you the “Future of Health”. Join us in viewing the excellent evening of engaging kōrero below. To view the whole evening […]

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Future Leaders Programme 2024

Congratulations to all the enthusiastic students who took part in our 2024 Future Leaders Programmes. We have just completed our annual week-long full-time programmes at Manawa involving over 20 final-year health students. Students came from a range of disciplines including medical, nursing, social work, clinical psychology, osteopathy, health sciences, physiotherapy, pathology research, and public health. […]

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Living well & ageing well research talks in Lincoln

Te Papa Hauora together with the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation took ‘Living well & ageing well’ research talks out into the Lincoln community this week. Together with Dr Susannah Stevens, Dr Leigh O’Brien, and Professor Joe Boden, we explored the topics of movement, diet and the importance of social connections. We hope to do more […]

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Congratulations winners of the HRSC Emerging Researcher Awards

A HUGE congratulations to the winners from the Health Research Society of Canterbury Emerging Researcher Awards, another really successful event supported by Canterbury Medical Research Foundation!   Well done to our winners: First Prize Andy Kindon (UC): A geospatial analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture incidence Second Prize: Sam Gibbs (UOC): Genetic variation and its […]

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